Domashny Ochag in September: Fathers and Children

In an interview for the September issue of the magazine, a famous actor told Domashny Ochag Editor-in-Chief Natalia Rodikova about working with a foundation, how the childhood of today’s children differs from our own and why life’s lessons are no less important than studying math. 

Readers will also find the story of a famous journalist and father of many who explains how he and his wife became adoptive parents. The issue also looks at so-called «Sunday dads» as well as how to soften the blow of divorce if the mother has custody and prevents the children from speaking with their father. 

Also in this issue:

  • Papa said: «A girl should be slender». A Russian singer talks about life with anorexia.
  • A psychologist’s candid take on back-to-school preparations.
  • «Gorgeous» recipes: 8 dinners at home.

The issue is already on sale. 

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