Men’s Health in January

Men’s Health continues to improve and has become even more interesting, more packed from cover to cover and more clearly structured. Beginning with the January issue, the magazine has gained a more marked delineation between each section. Some sections were also combined. For example, all news and articles covering everything connected with technology and cars now appears under the heading of “Iron.”
“I’m fed up!” is the main theme of the January issue. In response to the question of, “What if life no longer makes me happy?” original articles and editorials share ways to understand when it is time to change something, and how to know what to change. An editor assumed the role of a person who is tired of his job and wrote an article dealing with real-life situations in which despondency, despair, powerlessness and misunderstandings prevent people from living full and happy lives. What do you do if you realize that your life has hit a dead end and you have no reference points or sources of strength? How can you cope and make the right decision? The third piece on this theme, displayed on the magazine’s cover, is an article by the magazine’s art director. That story is filled with the positive emotions and joy that come from a successful and rewarding life.
The interview with the person on the cover, Gerard Butler, is also related to this theme. Butler tells readers how he changed his life by transforming himself from a hard-drinking lawyer into an idol for millions. All of the eal conclusions drawn by men and a concise analysis of the path to success.
The “Extra” section, with the refreshing themes of sport, nutrition, social life, relationships and health consists of brief paragraphs and the results of recent scientific studies. A new column that gives a detailed look at various sports is new in 2010. Editors chose hockey for the January issue, and answer the questions: “Where to play?”, “Why play?”, “When to play?”, “What is required to play?” and other interesting facts. Also beginning with this January’s issue, the “Focus of Desire” section will be adorned with attractive and successful female Russian athletes. In the new issue it will host tennis star Maria Kirilenko who will give her recommendation on the best cities in which to celebrate the New Year.
The sections “Bulletins” and “Elementarno” (“It’s Obvious”) have preserved their humor, while the “Guide to Style” and “Personal Trainer” sections have retained their seriousness.
The January issue also includes the first announcement of the magazine’s new project – Men’s Health Adventure.