Igor Bogachev: "I can't imagine starting my workday without Vedomosti"
I can't imagine starting my workday without Vedomosti — the electronic version for the iPad if I'm on the go, or the latest print version if I have time for some relaxed reading. In either case, Vedomosti provides information that has a significant impact on my day: markets, companies, business and political leaders and the major events in Russia and the world. What's more, I feel partly responsible for every issue because Sanoma Independent Media makes use of SAP business solutions in its work.
I take particular pleasure in congratulating you because our two companies are the same age. Sanoma Independent Media and Vedomosti are 20 and so is SAP CIS. And we work for the same companies: Vedomosti supplies SAP with important information and SAP provides informational systems. It is always interesting to know the Vedomosti viewpoint on the events affecting our customers' lives and to learn how the information technology sector in our country is developing.
On behalf of my SAP CIS colleagues and myself, I wish the Vedomosti and Sanoma Independent Media staff excitement, inspiration, success, smart readers and, of course, happiness and health!
Igor Bogachev
General Director, SAP in the CIS