Domashny Ochag in January

For its January issue, Domashny Ochag magazine is exploring traditions and why they are so important in a rapidly changing world. We should not only recall those traditions, but keep them alive so that the whole family feels that life continues on no matter what else is happening. Some traditions are new, and others have been passed down for generations, but they all preserve the sanctity of hearth and home.

The new issue also tips for preparing for New Year’s and Christmas, with ideas for decorating your home, creating a holiday spread, taking stylish photos, choosing the right dress and cultivating a feeling of thankfulness for life’s many blessings.

Also in this issue:

Events & People: a calendar of festivals, exhibitions and film premieres;
Fashion & beauty: a warm winter – the “hottest" down jackets, parkas, and sheepskin and fur coats for the season;
Family & relationships: how to become an optimist – simple tips for learning to look at the world more positively;
Home & interior: winter residence – a Scandinavian-style cottage interior;
Health & fitness: the big city dwellers’ diet – our most common mistakes;
Recipes & cooking: 5 ideas with spices – cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and allspice;
Travel: France – a fairy tale life on the shores of Lake Geneva.

The magazine went on sale December 15. An electronic version is also available for download from the App Store or Google Play.

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