Popular Mechanics Presents “Encyclopedia of Modern Weapons”

The second edition of the “Encyclopedia of Modern Weapons” is now available at the Popular Mechanics kiosk in the App Store. The iPad app brings readers the magazine’s most fascinating and compelling articles about weapons.

The encyclopedia is for people who want to know everything about modern weapons made in Russia and around the world, innovative technologies, and the latest developments in military equipment.

In this edition:
War Begins in Space: the main space reconnaissance center of the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces;
The Osprey Tiltrotor: expensive, unreliable, and highly sought after;
Leopard in a Minefield: a Humvee hitting a 14-kilogram triton mine can fly 3-5 meters up in the air;
Metal in the Sky: airborne military equipment;
To Save and Protect: the most effective weapons for self-defense;
The Nose Knows: four-legged minesweepers that sniff out buried bombs;
From Heaven to the Underworld: special bunker buster bombs with precision targeting systems;
When Tanks Enter Cities: does the army need special tanks designed to fight in populated areas?
Seeing but Unseen: what is hidden in the underbellies of Russian combat aircraft and bombers?
Race at the Dragon’s Tail: behind American plans to retire the legendary U-2 jet.

Download “Encyclopedia of Modern Weapons” from the App Store.

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