Cosmopolitan in May

The May issue of Cosmopolitan magazines is all about learning to live for yourself and with yourself just as you are. Many women feel sorry for themselves because they do not have a loving man in their lives. But this issue will help those who scorn the single life to take a different look at the situation, stop all the soul-searching and start enjoying life.
Also in this issue:
Cover girl: Hilary Duff talks about the birth of her child, separation from her husband and her outlook on love;
The good life alone: is there any reason to worry if you’re alone and don’t even want a companion?
How to find your life partner: a few simple steps to start the ideal relationship;
What you’re worth: women’s professions and the salaries they offer;
The circle of life: a quiz to find out the elements you need for happiness;
Beauty theme: the four best hair-removal methods so you can throw away your razor forever;
Let’s run: train the right way for this summer’s marathons with Alina Fedorova from New Balance;
This month’s featured man, Dmitry Nagiyev, talks about love and blind faith in lifelong relationships;
Fashion: the most fashionable prints this season, a shoe calendar and a selection of affordable clothes in pastel colors;
Only you: the people you associate with influence your personality – how to choose the right company.
The May issue of Cosmopolitan went on sale April 14.