Popular Mechanics in November

A minesweeper is only wrong once. That time-tested axiom of war looks poised to be relegated to the past. The Russian Army will soon have machines that can withstand explosions and intense fire, which will significantly reduce the risks military engineering units face. Read more in the November issue of Popular Mechanics magazine.
Everyone knows that regular exercise and a low-fat diet are the keys to health and longevity. Find out why in the article, “If you can’t run" in the Science section. “The impossible engine" in the Technology section explores the many blind spots in modern theoretical physics that scientists make no effort to hide.
In the Weapons section, “Balance for survival" investigates new testing standards for submarines that help today’s sailors avoid tragedies at sea. And read “Lying on a bed of nails" in the Workshop section: if your life is lacking in extreme thrills, just try this once.
In this issue:
Games of little chance;
Universe in a black hole;
On laughter and science;
Save the iron worm;
The bread mushroom;
Robots in space;
No noise, no wires;
Sakhalin: the oyster story;
The fastest electric bike.
The issue went on sale October 28. The iPad version of the magazine is available at the App Store and the PDF version from Zinio.