Domashny Ochag in November

The November issue of Domashny Ochag magazine includes a special “flip column" called “The Art of Entertaining Guests." It has become fashionable in recent years to hold house parties because at home you can arrange everything to your liking. Such parties offer a warm atmosphere, sincere and heartfelt communications, friendly humor and, of course, fond memories. This issue explains table settings, decorating secrets and how to clean up both before and after the party. Experts share their party ideas, the fall dinner menu for entertaining at home and they explain which drinks go with which dishes.
The magazine’s stylists also help readers understand the fall trends and offer tips on creating a stylish personal image. A child psychologist answers readers’ questions and talks about the importance of understanding the evolution of the parent-child relationship in time.
Also in this issue:
A short consumer guide: asserting your rights;
Effective ways to overcome insomnia;
Dropping 10 pounds: tips and tricks for losing weight with a home fitness center;
How to activate your metabolism;
Children and money: 10 mistakes parents make when teaching kids about money;
Designer tips: home decorating ideas.
An advertising campaign accompanies the release of the November issue. Ads will run in Domoi, Cosmopolitan Shopping, Cosmopolitan Psychology and Needlepoint magazines. Commercials announcing the issue’s release will be broadcast on the Shokolad and Best FM radio stations as well as the Mat i ditya (Mother and Child) TV channel.
The issue went on sale October 15.