Olga Vetrova Appointed Publisher of Grazia

Olga Vetrova has been appointed as the new publisher of the Grazia weekly magazine published by the Sanoma Independent Media publishing house.
Olga Vetrova graduated from the philology department of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1994. After six years as the commercial director of the U.S. firm Merck & Co., Ms. Vetrova became the director of investor relations for CTC Media in 1998. She joined the board of directors of OVA Press (Forward Media Group) in 2004 and became the publisher of Hello! magazine in 2005. Ms. Vetrova became the publisher of Glamour magazine in 2007 and from 2008 to 2011 ran the Peter Hervey media projects in the CIS for the Media Invest AG company. Since 2011, she served as the director of the strategy and development department for Systema Mass Media.
“With her extensive media experience, Olga Vetrova knows how to interact with the audience in a variety of formats,” Sanoma Independent Media publishing house CEO Jean-Emmanuel de Witte said. “I am confident that her knowledge will enable Grazia to expand its interaction with readers in a variety of media formats and to strengthen the market position of the weekly magazine.”
“Grazia magazine is published in 20 countries around the world with great success and has become a part of the lifestyles of its readers,” said Olga Vetrova, commenting on her appointment. “In Russia, Grazia confidently occupies a niche for weekly magazines about fashion, beauty and celebrities. I am certain that the magazine has excellent prospects for continued growth and development,” she said.
Sanoma Independent Media began publishing Grazia magazine in Russia in 2007. Elena Ruzumova served as the previous publisher of Grazia. In February 2013, Ms. Razumova joined the board of directors of the publishing house and began overseeing all of the company’s glossy women’s publications.