Popular Mechanics in February

Because war and violence are inseparable, the phrase “The Inhumane Weapons Convention" inevitably sounds implausible. Is it really possible that someone would willingly forego using an effective weapon to spare the feelings of enemies and their loved ones? The new issue of Popular Mechanics looks at this question in its special feature “Illegal Weapons," released in conjunction with the February 23 holiday.

The science article “More Than Symmetry" looks at what lies beyond the standard model of elementary particles. The article “And Yet It Spins" in the technology section examines the launch of a pilot plant for uranium enrichment through centrifuge isotope separation. In the weapons section, readers will learn about next generation weapons that use barrage munitions.

Also in this issue:

Ten hot technical concepts for 2013;
Roads of the future;
Working with sparkling light;
Three-dimensional wizardry of “The Hobbit's" Shire;
Threats of the digital world;
Forward to the past;
Happy adulthood;
Nick Ramage’s useless cars;
Report on the first festival of scientific, technical and engineering projects for college students and schoolchildren;
Science fiction short story, “Dead End";
Workshop on creating a Tesla coil.

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