Domashny Ochag and Vkusno i Polezno at Pir Fair
The Domashny Ochag and Vkusno i Polezno magazines acted as media partners to, and took active part in the Pir (Feast) Fair that ran from April 20 to 22 in the Crocus Expo Center.
A great many guests stopped in to visit the cozy and, as always, homey Domashny Ochag booth. Representatives of the magazine were glad to see everyone and invited them to take part in a variety of cooking and handicrafts workshops. The Domashny Ochag booth was the only one to offer handicrafts workshops for adults and children, and so there was no end of people waiting to take part. Guests painted wine glasses and plates, decorated cutting boards and potholders, made pictures from grains and pasta and learned creative ways to set the table.
Vkusno i Polezno chief editors Natalia Filatova and Yelena Pankratova helped guests prepare pies and cakes and salads with scallops and prawns, cook steaks on a Weber grill and prepare a variety of sauces and salads. Participants made enough to treat everyone and served their tasty and wholesome dishes with an upbeat spring mood. It was a great success!