Harper’s Bazaar in September

The September issue of Harper’s Bazaar will be released in large format on Aug. 23. German top model Heidi Klum poses on the cover in the image of a “Morning Glory." A cutting silhouette combined with Gucci patent leather, Chanel sequins and Blumarine lace.
In this issue:
152 fall trends and the most important images from the world’s catwalks;
Maximalism is back in vogue — large sequins, wide shoulders, brightly colored fur, men’s styles and other fashionable ways to attract attention this fall;
New names from Chloe, Dior and other fashion houses;
Change your image according to your mood, erase the distinction between daytime and evening outfits and shoes in caramel tones;
Michael Kors celebrates the 30th anniversary of his brand, Emma Watson switches the mantle of Hermione for designer dresses and Karolina Gruszka talks about her role in "Illusion," the new show by Ivan Vyrypayev;
A guide to the fall’s most dazzling events and the best party of the season according to Harper’s Bazaar.
Harper’s Bazaar — fashion without rules.