Fashion without Rules

The Symbol is a new brand from the team of the legendary Harper’s Bazaar and a successor to its best traditions. The Symbol focuses on only those objects, people and events that become symbols of their time. The Symbol is a true expert in the world of fashion, beauty and luxury lifestyle with outstanding journalism and trendsetting content.

Live broadcasts, backstage looks at fashion shoots and shows, as well as interviews with designers, artists and other key figures in the world of fashion are published daily in real time on the magazine’s website.
Brand News
Independent Media Panel Discussion at Russian Creative Week Received almost a Quarter Million Views
The recording of the session Fashion on the Move: A Short Path to the Dream Brand received almost 240,000 views in five days.
16 july 2024
Independent Media Helped Find Shortcut to a Dream Brand
The media holding hosted a Fashion in Motion panel discussion during Russian Creative Week.
9 july 2024
The Symbol Held Panel Discussion at Women in Business Congress
Daria Halfina moderated the brand’s Frank Conversation panel discussion with women entrepreneurs and market leaders.
17 june 2024
The Rules of Life and The Symbol were Media Partners of 8th Creative Business Forum at 2024 SPIEF
The Innosocium Foundation held the event on June 8.
17 june 2024