Popular Mechanics in July
In mid-summer Popular Mechanics' main article is devoted to peat, peat bog fires and methods of coping with this choking disaster. The Science section gives the cosmological forecast for 1 trillion years, tells about new hopes in the sphere of taking possession of thermonuclear reaction and describes the mysterious life at the bottom of cold oceans 600 million years ago. From the articles in the Weapon section readers will learn why Toyota's excels with tanks in Libyan deserts, how to deceive enemies by air models and why Hitler's bombers didn't reach New York City.
The issue also includes:
equipment for live broadcasts
earthen skyscrapers and undersea houses
why the Volvo chief designer abandoned the "suitcase" style
what owners of "small aviation" should know to fly in Russia
water transfusion as an inherent part of electrical energy.
The July issue of Popular Mechanics will be supported by an advertising campaign on the Discovery Channel.