Popular Lectures in 2011

Popular Mechanics successfully launched the Popular Lectures project in autumn 2010. Over the first three months, the project conducted 15 lectures attended by a total of 4,500 people. The same lectures posted on the Popmech.ru web site were viewed by 75,000 people. Most of the people attending the lectures were men between the ages of 20 and 40, who are interested in science and new technologies.
The first meetings of the Popular Lectures series in 2011 will be held in February in the large hall of the 35MM movie theater.
The Department of Science, Technology and Space of the French Embassy in Russia is partnering the project. Starting in February, leading French scholars and specialists will present monthly lectures on new technologies and the latest discoveries in various scientific fields. Lenta.ru, Nashe Radio and Livejournal will act as information partners to the series. Ads announcing the lectures will appear in Popular Mechanics and on the Popmech.ru, Theoryandpractice.ru, Vedomosti.ru and Kino35mm.ru web sites. In addition to Moscow, the Popular Lectures series will be held in Almaty in Kazakhstan, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other major Russian cities.
The cover story of Popular Mechanics in February is dedicated to “life.” Marlen Arslanyan, Lomonosov State University professor of Genetics and doctor of Biological Sciences will speak about whether intelligence is inherited. On Feb. 8, Didier Sicard, a French specialist in medical ethics and Professor Emeritus of the Université Paris Descartes, will present a lecture titled “Organ transplants: the ethics of life and death.” On Feb. 15, professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences and director of the Russian Academy of Science’s Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Pavel Balaban will speak about how individuals can be controlled.
The schedule of lectures can be found at