Popular Mechanics for Your Android

In autumn 2010, Popular Mechanics, one of the first popular science magazines in Russia, launched a mobile application for the iPhone. The application has been installed more than 30,000 times in the five months since then.
In January 2011, Popular Mechanics launched a new free application for Android-based telephones. Users can download the Popular Mechanics application from the Android Market.
Anyone installing the free Popular Mechanics app will be able to view continuous popular science news updates and unique photos and graphics, as well as receive access to all of the magazine’s archives and fascinating discussions.
Users will enjoy the Popular Mechanics application’s convenient navigation tool and subject list, along with its bright and colorful design. There is also a function to save articles and news to continue viewing offline.
The next release of the application will include a video library and make it possible for users to purchase the latest issue of the magazine, as well as to authorize and write comments themselves.