Popular Lectures – New Project from Popular Mechanics

On September 1, Popular Mechanics launched a new project – Popular Lectures. Each month Popular Mechanics will choose a new lecture topic and once per week a leading lecturer and world-class scholar will discuss the most recent discoveries and research in that field.
Lectures are a form of intellectual recreation these days. Many festivals include lectures and master classes in their programs, and galleries, cafés and libraries organize their own lectures. However, most of these are dedicated to art, design, architecture or fashion. Popular Lectures will become the main venue in Moscow for holding popular scientific lectures on a regular basis.
The project is designed for young and active people from 20 to 35 years of age who are interested in the world around them and who follow the development of new technologies.
The lectures will be held at central locations in Moscow.
The portals Lenta.ru and Nashe Radio will act as informational partners to the project. Ads for the project will appear in the magazines Men’s Health, Vokrug Sveta, Expert and others. Prior to the start of the lecture series in September, Citi-FM radio will run a program with Dmitry Bykov describing the Popular Mechanics lectures.
Each issue of Popular Mechanics will contain a complimentary ticket to the upcoming lectures.
Details about the project can be found at