Domashny Ochag Festival: Warm-Hearted Family Traditions

The third Domashny Ochag Festival was held at the Central House of Artists on Krimsky Val from December 11 to 13. The festival has undoubtedly become the most outstanding family event of the pre-New Year’s season.

More than 20,000 people visited the festival, and Domashny Ochag was ready for them with numerous interesting and useful surprises. Held for the first time during the run up to the New Year, the festival captured all of the cheer, carefree attitude, beautiful look and genial warmth of the holiday.

Guests not only had the rare opportunity to relax together as a family, meet famous people and participate in interesting master classes, but also to make creative preparations for the New Year. Every person who stopped by could find something new and interesting for himself.

Our lady guests could participate in a huge number of master classes and learn the art of applying make-up under the tutelage of leading make-up designers, new ways to wrap gifts for their loved ones, how to prepare a beautiful and delicious New Year’s meal and how to amaze friends and loves ones with exquisite baked goods.

Men took great interest in viewing new developments in audio and video technology and tools for doing home repairs and construction. In addition, specialists from First Insurance Company provided them with professional consultations on ways to protect their family, health and belongings.

Children derived the greatest enjoyment from the holiday. Festival organizers created all the necessary conditions to make them happy and prepared a range of entertainments for them – games, contests, gifts and surprises.

This was the second time that the OBI Company – already familiar to thousands of Russians – took part in the Domashny Ochag festival. Guests were treated to a real Do-It-Yourself winter with OBI that included interesting entertainments, exciting contests for adults and children and useful consultations from OBI specialists.

Radio Alla was on hand to regale guests with great music and every manner of contest. As always, the Domashny television channel was not to be outdone and thrilled guests with a number of interesting meetings. Among them, a meeting with the unqualified champion of Russian confectionary art Alexander Seleznev, who revealed his tastiest secrets to all comers.

Celebrity guests kept the excitement high at the Domashny Ochag living room and reception area. The “Ex-Wives Club” shifted from television to real life and included a master class in fitness hosted by Anastasia Myskina, heart-to-heart talks with Tatiana Vedeneyeva, a meeting with professional marriage broker Rosa Syabitova, beauty lessons from Yana Laputina, a master class by stylist Vlad Lisovts, fiery dances under the guidance of Pier Narciss and much more.

This year, everyone who stopped by to enjoy the glow of the Domashny Ochag festival took home with them a New Year’s mood and a wealth of impressions. The magazine would like to give a big “thank you” to all the organizers and guests who helped make the holiday a success. Domashny Ochag is expecting you in 2010!

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