Domashny Ochag Website Updated

Domashny Ochag magazine released an updated version of the site Readers will find more useful information and interesting services here, including the opportunity for live discussions.

The Domashny Ochag site is more than just a huge volume of useful information that is updated daily. It provides readers with assistance and support in any situation, as well as help in developing themselves and realizing their talents - whether in cross-stitch or preparing real Ukrainian borsch. Every visitor to the site can share her knowledge, and in turn receive new advice from other users, magazine staffers and various experts.

The Domashny Ochag team is confident that the updated Website will become truly indispensable to both readers and the magazine's editorial staff. After all, it is always important to know as much as possible about the people for whom the magazine is produced. Releasing this new resource on the Internet - an ideal vehicle for promoting live discussion and feedback - will further strengthen Domashny Ochag magazine's market position and make it even more stable, interesting and useful.

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