Independent Media’s Best New Year’s Tradition

On the eve of the 2009 New Year's holidays, Independent Media Sanoma Magazines continued its kind tradition of giving the gift of health to those who need it most.
For the third year in a row, IMSM has sent all money budgeted for New Year's gifts to benefit children suffering from serious heart ailments. As in previous years, all of the publishing house's business partners and clients received a colorful pamphlet in December 2008. The brochure contained a description of the charitable project, photographs of the children from all corners of Russia whom it was possible to save, as well as a brief story about each child.
Independent Media Sanoma Magazines Publishing House would like to express its sincere gratitude to its clients and partners for the successful and productive cooperation in 2008 that has resulted in the opportunity to continue this splendid New Year's tradition.