Novy Ochag in March: The Best Spring is Now
The issue is about women who have found their passion, are fully immersed in it, and inspire others in the process.

Novy Ochag again Partnered Healthy Society Project
The Women for a Healthy Society forum was held in Moscow on March 4. On the 5th, hosted a discussion by a Healthy Society Project panel.

Novy Ochag Holds Pre-New Year’s Brunch
The brand brought together guests in honor of the winter issue’s release.

Novy Ochag in Winter: Happy New Year!
The issue is devoted to Russians’ most beloved holiday.

Independent Media Names Honoree at Dialogues in Cinema Awards
The media holding presented a special prize to the winner in the special category The Right to Speak Honestly.

Special Release of Novy Ochag: Warm Wishes for All
The anti-stress issue helps readers take an optimistic view of life.

Novy Ochag Held 2024 Beauty & Wellness Awards
The award ceremony was held at the Beriot restaurant.

Spreading Beauty Around: Novy Ochag Brunch
The brand held an event for friends in honor of the release of its autumn issue.

Novy Ochag this Fall: Spread the Beauty
Actress Alexandra Rebyonok appears on the cover.

Holiday from Novy Ochag
The brand held a large-scale event with workshops and public talks by leading experts.

Novy Ochag had a Beautiful Summer
Friends of the brand – bloggers and influencers – gathered for the traditional brunch.

«Girl, tell me your number»: Novy Ochag Champions Safe Media Space for Childrens
As part of the Moscow Media Festival at VDNKh, the brand will hold an original panel discussion devoted to the rules of behavior for children on the Internet.

Five Independent Media Brands among Top 10 Most Cited Media Outlets in Russia
According to Medialogia, the top brands are The VOICE, Men Today, Novy Ochag, TechInsider, and The Rules of Life.

Novy Ochag Developed Cybersecurity Rules for Children
Independent Media held an open panel discussion as part of the Territory of the Future: Moscow 2030 forum and festival.

Novy Ochag Teaches Right Way to Promote Social Project
Natalya Rodikova will speak at the educational module of the program Institute of Advisors on Social Changes under the Heads of the Russian Regions.

Novy Ochag for Healthy Society
Natalya Rodikova, the brand’s chief editor, spoke at the international forum.

Novy Ochag in July: The Inside of Summer
The new issue with two covers is devoted to the best ideas and life hacks for vacation.

Novy Ochag is Media Partner of Healthy Society Forum
The event, that brings together the world of technology and the health industry, will take place on July 24-25 in the Lomonosov cluster.