20 Million Readers

The audience of the site — the No. 1 site among women’s magazines — reached 20 million unique users in November, according to Google Analytics data.

“As a team, the editorial board and digital department get all of the credit for the figure of 20 million," said Editor-in-Chief Ekaterina Velikina. “First, they are highly motivated: they are fully involved in every process and focused on results. Second, they work with analytics constantly. Third, they are quick and often the first to write about many events in the fashion industry and celebrities’ lives. And, of course, there is the human factor: we have very warm relations with each other and the term ‘mutual support’ is not just so many words for us, but an objective reality. I am confident that we will not only maintain this figure in the coming year, but will also increase it," Ms. Velikina said. offers its audience high quality and interesting content, the fastest possible response to readers’ requests, and the ability to stay in step with the times. is a vibrant and distinctive part of the Cosmopolitan universe, an authoritative and highly trusted megabrand that sets trends in all areas.

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