National Geographic Russia in September

In the September issue of National Geographic Russia magazine, readers will find:
Toothed Torpedoes: Photographer Brian Skerry looks at the world’s fastest sharks, the black-winged mako, which are able reach speeds of 55 km/hr.
Mugat, Jugi or Gypsy: No matter where they’ve resided, gypsies have always been outcasts. They remain so today – a people who live apart from others and according to their own rules. The Mugats of Tajikistan are no exception.
Elephant Orphanage: The Samburu people of northern Kenya are working together to save orphaned elephants from certain death. The goal of the Reteti Reserve is to return their elephantine wards to the wild.
To Feed the World: The Netherlands, the second-largest global exporter of food after the U.S., has become a global leader in agricultural innovation. What is the secret of their amazing success?
The Gorillas Dian Fossey Saved: In the late 1960s, an American visited the Virunga Mountains in northwest Rwanda to study mountain gorillas on the verge of extinction. The animals survived, thanks to Fossey, but she suffered a tragic death.
The issue went on sale August 29.