National Geographic Russia in September
The cover story of National Geographic Russia in September is “The chameleon’s true color.” Scientists have long sought to unravel the secrets of the planet’s most exotic creature, such as how they shoot out their tongues to snatch their prey, and how and why they change color.
Also in this issue:
Molokans from Mexico: In the Guadalupe Valley of Mexico, Molokans – descendants of immigrants from the Russian Empire – have lived for more than a century in eye-catching unusual buildings with gabled roofs. One of them is especially fascinating for the Russian household items it contains – including a samovar.
On the Trail of Ivory: NG looks at the ways how smugglers transport illegally procured ivory from Africa to China and Southeast Asia.
Mes Aynak: Copper Klondike or ancient temple? Rich deposits of copper ore in the town of Mes Aynak, Afghanistan lie at four kilometers under a Buddhist complex dating back to the 3rd century. What will archeologists manage to save from among the thousands of statues, manuscripts, and coins before developers begin work at the site?
The Routes of Ibn Battuta: The Hermitage recreates the time of the famous Arab traveler in an exhibition showing what Ibn Battuta saw in 14th century Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, India and, as he claimed, China.
The magazine is also available on the iPad, where readers will find even more interesting photos and texts that are not included in the print edition.