National Geographic Russia in August

The cover story of the August issue of National Geographic Russia, “The Knights of the 21st Century,” is about the Tournament of St. George, where mounted warriors in full armor approach each other at full gallop and powerful spears snap in two as riders are tossed from their saddles. No mercy is shown; this is no theatrical display, but a real battle between the toughest modern-day knights following the same rules knights in the Middle Ages fought under.
Also in this issue:
Orcas: An Underwater Feast. Also known as killer whales – they display not only the simple desire to fill their stomachs, but an enviable degree of cunning and agility. These animals have developed an entire arsenal of hunting strategies.
Toads. They appeared on Earth 20 million years ago but chose to make their homes in seemingly lifeless sands.
Steller’s Sea Eagle. One of the largest winged predators in the world that nests only in Russia, it builds “homes” up to three meters across and two meters high.