Cosmopolitan Psychology in September
The first fall issue of Cosmopolitan Psychology magazine is on the theme “Life lessons: learn them and become happier.” Psychologists will tell you how to get “excellent” or at least “good” results when encountering the most difficult of life’s situations and explain where poor results for seemingly easy situations come from. In addition, the issue includes advice about the thorny path to happiness: while dealing with setbacks, one can understand important and valuable lessons.
The issue also contains articles on:
Relationships: what men mean when saying, "I am happy with you!," and six interpretations of this phrase that every woman likes to hear;
Self-knowledge: if it is necessary to change your psychologist when therapy does not help;
Interview: "PE Teacher" Dmitry Nagiyev answers serious questions, shares his opinion on the scenic mastery in Russia and the intricacies of the profession;
Children: what to do when your child is hurt? Interfere or allow it to pass, teaching kindness and patience;
Mood: your opinion – is it really yours or imposed by someone?;
Career: work at home or starting your own business? Not so difficult and not so easy as it may seem;
Joys: fall fashion trends – street style and colorful animals, as well as exotic spa treatments;
Singer Max Barsky’s confession: even strong men have their phobias.
This month’s issue continues the contest "Map of Dreams": this time you need to choose one of the categories of men and create the perfect ambience and environment for him. In addition, each copy of the magazine contains a gift: stylish bookmarks with the magazine editor-in-chief’s favorite quotes.
The September issue of Cosmopolitan Psychology is on sale from August 19 – now at a lower price. The magazine is also available digitally for the iPad.