Anniversary Issue of National Geographic Russia for the iPad

National Geographic Russia magazine celebrates its 10th anniversary this month. The main story on the world’s rising oceans is reflected by the cover image of a partially submerged Statue of Liberty. If all of the ice on Earth were to melt within the next 1,000 years — a possibility that cannot be ruled out — the global sea level would rise by 65 feet and the lower part of the Stature of Liberty would be under water. The article is embellished with interactive illustrations and provides detailed information on what awaits humanity if the oceans were to rise.

Elephant with a video camera. How to make a completely unique documentary? Perhaps with the help of animals. A bold decision led to an entirely new type of film about wildlife. This story has a video embedded: Phil Dalton gives National Geographic Russia a special demonstration of his multicopter flying cameras and their many possibilities.

The peaks of Antarctica. Attracted by the presence of numerous unclimbed peaks in Queen Maud Land, a team of four gutsy mountaineers set out to conquer Antarctica. A nearly manic obsession and a healthy dose of optimism helped them survive. Readers will share the adventure with maps and video footage.

The “America” at the bottom of the Gulf of Finland. Searching for sunken ships is extremely inviting and dangerous. A group of Russian underwater archeologists decided to find the “America,” a ship that sunk in the second half of the 19th century.

Antelope with a trunk. It is impossible to confuse the saiga with any other animal. Its large, flexible, almost trunk-like nose distinguishes it from all other antelopes. Embedded video makes this animal come alive.

Worlds away: mountains on other planets.

Risking life and limb: photo journalism under the threat of arrest. Includes video.

The iPad version is available from the App Store.

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