Custom Publishing Kicks Off Barbecue Season

Succulent, juicy and flaming with a modicum of pepper and just the right amount of smoky flavor… A team of chefs led by brand master chef Jorge Sevilla thoroughly prepares for a picnic. In the summer issue, Assorti magazine — produced by Custom Publishing for the Globus Gourmet delicatessen chain — takes an unusual look at the barbecue menu.

And what is a barbecue lunch without a fresh salad to go with it? The delicatessens have therefore introduced salad bars especially for those who want to experiment and create their own unique combinations of outstanding dishes. Globus Gourmet customers will find a wide assortment of vegetables, greens and other vitamin-filled ingredients to suit every taste and diet. Healthy salads are not only beautiful and endless in their variety, but even more importantly, they are quick and easy to make. In just two short minutes, your culinary improvisation is ready and on the table.

The new issue of Assorti also contains the latest installment of the ongoing survey of exclusive new products from all over the world and new ideas for culinary experimentation.

And be sure to note that Globus Gourmet delicatessens have become closer and more convenient for every customer: You need only go to the online store to make use of all the services available. And ordering home delivery of Globus Gourmet products is a convenient option at any place or time.

Enjoy your shopping and new impressions with Globus Gourmet and Assorti magazine!

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