Men’s Health Celebrated Anniversary

Men’s Health in Russia celebrated its 15th anniversary at the Izvestia Hall in the center of Moscow on Feb. 7. The event brought together almost 1,500 business partners, advertisers, friends and readers who were responding to an invitation they found in the February issue of the magazine.

The evening kicked off with a hot music set by DJ Palto followed by words from Men’s Health editor-in-chief Kirill Vishnepolsky. Next, guests watched a film shot in the style of Leonid Parfenov’s “Namedni” that chronicled the high points of the magazine’s 15 years in Russia. The visual journey was projected on the enormous screen in the Izvestia Hall.

The upbeat, festive atmosphere was further enhanced by VJs Chak and Hobbit, as well as a light and fire show by the Extravaganza troupe. The evening continued with the Latvian group Brainstorm playing their hits to a very enthusiastic audience. The anniversary event ended as a disco under the musical direction of DJs from the Like Family community.

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