Harvard Business Review Russia HR Club Meets

The sixth meeting of the HR Club of Harvard Business Review Russia was held at the VimpelCom offices on Sept. 12.

Four roundtable discussions united by the single theme “Managing a company’s human resources during a recession” were held at the event. Guests split into groups to discuss the topics of greatest interest to each:

Restructuring the company and motivating personnel during a crisis;
Eco-sensitive HR, or maintaining social responsibility during optimization;
The crisis as a means of improving company quality;
Domestic outsourcing as a tool for cost optimization.

The discussions were moderated by Gregory Reiter of Globex Bank, Natalia Turkulets of Lafarge Cement, Yana Kudryavtseva of IBS and Dmitry Kozlov of Tele 2.

Event participants included HR directors from such companies as Alliance Healthcare, AstraZeneca, Chanel, IBS, LG Electronics Rus, Shtokman Development, Sun InBev, Toyota Motor, MegaFon, MMVB, Rambler, Rolf, Trust Bank, UralSib Capital and others.

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