RB.ru Turns Three
The RB.ru business community celebrated its third birthday on September 3. Every day of the year, the portal’s journalists posted the most interesting and relevant news, technical staff continually perfected the site and participants in the business community shared their knowledge in blog form, relating interesting and true stories from their own companies as well as others. According to an August 2010 report by TNS Russia, RB.ru enjoys a monthly audience of 1.8 million readers.
The RB.ru portal was redesigned in 2010. Both the look of the pages and the download speed improved. “Vacation,” a new project from RB.ru, was launched in May. The content of the portal is created not only by professional market participants, but also by users themselves. A new section was introduced in September – Mystery Car Buyer – that publishes descriptions of the way various automobile dealerships treat their customers, and which services and terms they offer the average buyer.
RB.ru not only received congratulations on its birthday, but also presented gifts to its users – RB.ru business community participants and bloggers who share their ideas, stories and witty observations on the portals’ pages. The RB.ru team awarded various prizes to the most active bloggers whose writing RB.ru community members look forward to impatiently and read with pleasure. They are:
Marina Vishnyakova (the reality of Russian business and events, the secrets of proper personnel policies);
Oleg Pliska (the secrets of strategic consulting, strategic company management);
Michael Lyufanov (innovative technologies, effective management);
Gulnora Narzikulova (pressing social problems);
Artyom Cherepanov (world travels and photojournalim);
Yegor Pereverzev (business in China);
Sergey Kazakov (the legal intricacies of doing business);
Alexander Gorbunov (travelling in Montenegro);
Larissa Babkina (weekday realtor).