HR Forum from Vedomosti Newspaper

Vedomosti newspaper has organized nine HR forums, with the most recent held on June 22. The forum was attended by top managers of Russian and international companies, personnel management directors, representatives of investment and consulting firms, recruitment agencies, analysts and members of the business media.

The main topic of discussion was post-crisis HR strategy. One year ago, many companies had to optimize their businesses by cutting back on budgets and personnel. Has the crisis passed, has stability returned and can companies begin hiring staff again? Should the role of the HR department in the company change and which new challenges do market specialists face?

The discussion highlighted today’s two most important HR tasks. First, Human Resources specialists must focus on key staff that have helped their companies emerge from the crisis. New non-material incentives must be developed for them so as to provide new meaning and purpose to their continued activity within the company. The second major task is to increase productivity. Vneshtorgbank senior vice president and personnel department director Marina Oleshik is certain that achieving higher productivity demands both new knowledge and strategic thinking from the professional community.

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