“Persona” on Vedomosti.ru
Vedomosti business newspaper presents a new service on its website Vedomosti.ru – “Persona.” This service enables users to read the job titles and biographies of people mentioned in Vedomosti articles, view their photographs, scan the latest news about them and read interesting quotes from these newsmakers. Users can receive notification of any new mention of particular individuals by e-mail, by subscribing to alerts or by tracking them through RSS. In addition, users will be able to learn which individuals are most often mentioned in connection with a particular person.
The reference service is available at
The Persona service is the latest step in the development of the Vedomosti.ru reference capabilities. The site already includes the “Company Guide” providing users with information about companies, their shareholders, revenue and stock quotes, and allows them to order a free annual report. The site also features a “Business Dictionary,” an encyclopedic guide to terms and concepts used in the newspaper’s publications.