Men’s Health at WinZavod

Men’s Health magazine will participate in One Love, an unprecedented graffiti exhibition to be held from August 21nd to September 6th in gallery Section V at Moscow Center of Contemporary Art WinZavod.
Men’s Health presents a cardboard installation which reminds the main prize in Men’s Health PRO-Motion contest ( Every visitor will have a chance to leave an “imprint” on this construction and, when the exhibition is over, take it to pieces as souvenirs.
Graffiti is a type of contemporary developing art which gives birth to new styles and schools, covering cities and generations. Within two weeks images will change rapidly, in the spirit of time and in beat of the city. First the wall of the gallery will be painted by the artists of the old Moscow school of graffiti stage and representatives of the new wave. In a week, these paitings will be changed by works of The Rus Crew, a legendary graffiti team, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.
During the exhibition, graffiti videos from the participants’ archives and the film about this exposition’s creation will be displayed at a large screen in the gallery.
The entrance to the exhibition is free.