Seasons and A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Seasons magazine held it’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream festival in the Hermitage garden on July 24. What transpired in the garden was truly dream-like. Upon entering the festival, the guests had to pass through a blanket cover, beyond which stood a Lulu Castanette make-up room of dreams. There guests could enjoy magical hairdos, buy fairy skirts and set off to roam through their dreams.
Both children and adults swam in foam. Sleeping Beauty reposed in a magical net and could only be awakened with a kiss. White angels circulated through the garden on stilts, bicycles, and of course, on wings. The culmination of the festival came when Arseny Applebaum and Olga Zeiger, together with others, made huge figures to create a procession of angels.
And when an enormous white ship sailed through the Hermitage garden, some of the spectators were moved to tears of joy, or wanted to shout out “Hurray!” – not only because of the ship, but because the people around them were genuinely happy at that moment.