New Issue of PwCampus Newspaper
In June, the Custom Publishing department of Independent Media Sanoma Magazines publishing house completed work on the third issue of the PwCampus student newspaper – a project for the PricewaterhouseCoopers company.
This issue is dedicated to the anniversary of the PricewaterhouseCoopers company – 20 years of successfully working in the Russian market. The third issue differs from the previous two by its new, original design.
On the pages of this publication, readers will find overviews of recent PwC research, advice from company specialists on education, training and job placement as well as detailed descriptions of the internal workings and corporate culture of the PricewaterhouseCoopers company, particulars of auditing work, opportunities for career advancement and up to date information of importance to institute-age students, graduate students and state workers.
The PwCampus student newspaper is aimed at students who are serious about their education and their future careers.