New IMSM Custom Publishing Project

“Every story has its teller.” And every story can be told in different ways: in numbers, facts, dates or minutes from a board of directors meeting. “The story of the MegaFon company is a story of decisions.” With those words Territory of the Leader begins, a book by Irina Belasheva and Valeria Guseva and issued by the Custom Publishing department of the Independent Media Sanoma Magazines Publishing House. The book is dedicated to “those who stood at the source, those who are now leading MegaFon into the future, those who will come in their stead, and to those who are convinced that the future begins today.”
The stylish and extremely well-illustrated publication is not only a gift album, but an engaging story of the founding of a successful company that managed before our eyes – in only 15 years – to transform from a newcomer “playing catch-up on the market” into the first all-Russian cellular phone operator, a heavyweight member of “the big three.” The golden thread running through this finely written story is that MegaFon’s greatest asset is its people. The publication is intended for them – the company’s employees who have put their knowledge, talent, will to win and energy into their work.
The Custom Publishing department of Independent Sanoma Magazines Publishing House is currently preparing an English version of the book.