– Informational Site of the Year

For the second year in a row, the web site of the Vedomosti business newspaper,, was named the informational site of the year in the Russian Online TOP (ROTOR 2009) competition. The competition – authoritative among Internet users – has been conducted by the International Union of Internet Agents “YEZHE” since 2000.

The Vedomosti newspaper site shared first place with the Yandex.Novosti (News) informational portal. beat out such competitors as RBK and

The contest allows participation from both Russian and foreign web sites and software products, as well as services and Internet agents using Russian as their primary language, or with Russian as one in a host of auxiliary languages. The main goals of the contest are showcasing significant figures and meaningful Internet projects, as well as identifying developing trends in the Russian segment of the Internet. Being named a winner of this contest is a sign of recognition from the community of Internet professionals.

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