Forest Growing Here
On Saturday, April 25, Vedomosti staff and their families traveled to the Taldomsky district of the Moscow region to plant forest trees. Over the course of the day, they planted 260 young pine and oak trees. The saplings had been raised in a nursery belonging to the Greenpeace organization that helped Vedomosti carry out the project.
The Vedomosti collective conceived the idea to plant trees when they learned that, over the 10 years of the newspaper’s existence, over 14,000 tons of paper produced from almost 120,000 trees had been used to print the publication.
Vedomosti marketing and distribution director Yulia Selyukova said, “Despite the fact that modern timber companies take a responsible approach to replenishing the forests, that figure made such an impression on us that we decided to partially contribute. We hope,” she continued, “that this will not be our only activity connected with the forests – we also support forestry projects of the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace. We hope that our service will find a response in the business community and from our readers,” she said.