Yes!-Stars at Comedy Club Festival in Egypt
Yes!-Stars magazine will act as informational partner to the seventh Comedy Club Festival to be held in Egypt from May 1 to 8. The six previous Comedy Club festivals shook up the globe and showed its inhabitants how to relax and enjoy themselves with the members of the most popular humorous program on the planet. Ahead for the group – the seventh road trip that will be the most unbelievable party gang in tourism history.
As part of its partnership with the event, the magazine’s logo was placed on all of the festival’s printed materials, including fliers, check folders in fashionable clubs and restaurants around Moscow, on posters at all MosTravel offices, on advertising displays and pamphlets at the Atrium shopping mall, on video footage shown at the Golden Palace casino, on the festival’s promotional film clips aired on the Comedy TV channel and on the official Comedy Club web site.
At the festival venue, a press wall for the magazine will be set up, and every evening when Comedy Club members take the stage, they will remind listeners that Yes!-Stars in the official informational partner of the festival.