National Geographic Presents Master Class by Kirill Samursky

The second master class in the photojournalism course hosted by National Geographic Russia and the A. Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia in Moscow was held on February 17. The seminar was conducted by Kirill Samursky – regular contributor to National Geographic Russia, photographer, journalist, traveler and Orientalist.

The master class attracted more than 80 participants, including students of various Moscow photography schools, National Geographic Russia readers and ordinary photography lovers.

Kirill Samursky brought the audience’s attention to an unusual theme – photography on an archeological expedition. He spoke of his experience shooting an archeological dig, how to prepare for such a trip, and what equipment to take with you. The expert photographer also shared trade secrets regarding shooting techniques and gave practical advice using his own work as an example. Listeners took particular interest in Samursky’s working relationship with National Geographic: What are the photo editor’s standards for quality? How to choose a theme? How should the text and photos of an archeological expedition complement each other?

According to tradition, a lively discussion took place after the close of the lecture, with the listeners posing many questions to the speaker. Each participant received a complimentary copy of National Geographic Russia that included Kirill Samursky’s published work.

The next master class in the series will be held in March. Watch for announcements in the magazine and on the National Geographic Russia Website.

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