Conference for Agricultural Investors

On November 28, Agroinvestor magazine held its fifth annual Agroholding Russia conference. More than 110 owners of major agro-industrial companies, directors of agricultural unions and associations, representatives of investment companies and banks as well as leading specialists and analysts of the agricultural market attended the event.
The main theme of the reports and discussions was the economic crisis that agrimarket players have begun to feel in full force. What should industry players do to survive under the new conditions? Will the government's announced plans to support the agroindustrial complex be effective? What agromanagement techniques are effective during crisis conditions? How long will the crisis last, and how will it hit bottom? Will investors have access to credit? These were the main themes of discussion.
Conference speakers included co-owner of the Cherkizovo Group Igor Babayev, general director of the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies Dmitry Rylko, general director of the Institute for Agricultural Marketing Yelena Tyurina, top managers of the Talina, Stoylenskaya Niva, AgroAvangard and Russian Farms holding companies, and others.
The conference concluded with a session on business with top managers from agrocompanies and the credit departments of agricultural-commercial banks sharing their plans for combating the crisis in an open discussion with participants.