NG Traveler Held its First Master Class

The first National Geographic Traveler seminar, Notes along the Way, was held on November 13 as part of a joint project with the Cloudwatcher Club. More than 80 people attended the first informal meeting with Alexander Zheleznyak, the magazine’s editor-in-chief.

The seminar - originally planned as a lecture to be followed by a question and answer period with the audience - seamlessly transformed into a dynamic dialogue between Zheleznyak and his listeners, who demonstrated a lively interest in the topics raised. How to gather material, plan articles, work on style, select photos - all of these questions prompted animated discussion. The meeting lasted more than three hours, and the debates did not subside even after the official close of the seminar.

This was the first of 13 open meetings that will be held with professional reporters working in the travel genre. Notes along the Way is a course for travel writers to improve their craft, organized jointly by the Cloudwatcher Club and National Geographic Traveler magazine - a course for those who dream of writing interesting and vibrant texts, addressed to a wide audience, in cooperation with specialized publications.

At the conclusion of the series, the organizers will publish a booklet titled “Notes along the Way” containing the best theoretical and practical materials presented during the course. Check for announcements on the websites and

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