Seasons Takes Part in ISaloni Exhibition

Seasons Magazine was the informational sponsor and a participant in the fourth International ISaloni Worldwide Exhibition held in Moscow from October 8 to 11. The best Italian manufacturers displayed their furniture, lighting systems and other objects of interior design. The exhibition was held in the Crocus Expo Complex and included items from 463 companies displaying the most interesting Italian interior design and home furnishing products.

Seasons’ contribution to the exhibition was its collection of furniture and lamps titled “The Little Tragedies.” The title speaks for itself: All the objects were inspired by Alexander Pushkin’s four classic plays, and were a material embodiment of great classical drama. At the Season’s display, visitors could view luminous columns titled “Mozart and Salieri,” “The Stingy Knight” chandelier, two cardboard thrones titled “Chairman. A Feast during a Plague” and “Mary. A Feast during a Plague,” as well as a huge glass table titled “Don Juan.” All the objects were decorated with pictures that served to diminish the pathos of the collection, in which a philosophical mood and joy were harmoniously joined by the touch of beautiful objects.

“The Little Tragedies” was a collective effort, with Seasons Editor in Chief and publisher Olga Sergeyeva creating the concept, and the detailed development and realization of the collection executed by designers from the Zavtrak goup: Igor Kochanov, Viktoria Fomina, Varvara Akatyeva, Evgenia Antonenkova, Denis Gordeyev and Ekaterina Silina.

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