SmartMoney's Web Site Open

From September 18 to November 4, readers can access SmartMoney's latest issue and archive at - free!

To attract as many new users as possible to, SmartMoney is holding an online advertising campaign. The campaign covers over 50 of the most attended and interesting resources: news sites (Yandex.News,,,, etc.), sites of information agencies (,,, etc.), specialized resources (RTS, MMVB, Cbonds, Forex, etc.), as well as business and finance sites.

The radio advertising campaign is being held from September 11 to October 31. The jingles are on the air mornings and evenings at Europa Plus, Nashe Radio, Avtoradio, City FM, and Silver Rain. The outdoor advertisements are placed in business centers.

In addition, in September and October, SmartMoney's promotional campaign is being held at points of sales in Moscow and the regions (St. Petersburg, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansisk, etc.). In chain kiosks and supermarkets, a priority layout has been organized. Alternative distribution is being intensively developed: SmartMoney can already can be found in VIP lounges of airports, and on key domestic and international flights.

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