was named "The Most Informative Site Of The Year"

The website of the business newspaper Vedomosti was named "The Most Informative Site Of The Year" in the web-contest "Russia Online TOP-2007". This high profile competition has been held for seven years, and it was established by the EZHE Internet community. First place was divided between informational website and Vedomosti.

The Vedomosti website has managed to beat out such renowned e-newspapers as Kommersant, Expert and RosBusinessConsulting.

Russian and international websites, software, services and internet persons operating in Russian can participate in this contest. Participation is voluntary. Any nominee can withdraw its nomination at any stage of the contest, except for the nomination titled "Disappointment Of The Year".

The main target of the contest is to sort out the most influential Internet persons and projects, and determine the trends of the Russian segment of the Internet. The winners are acknowledged by professional online communities.

The Vedomosti newspaper website is one of the most high-tech websites in Russia. It was launched together with the printed version of the newspaper in 1999. As the popularity of the newspaper grew, so did that of the website. The Moscow audience of the website in the fourth quarter of 2007 made up 497.2 thousands of visitors a month, which is 7% of the capital's population aged 12-54.

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