Vedomosti Conference Of The Purest Tint

The conference department of the Vedomosti newspaper received the main prize in the Gold Prof Event nomination at the Gold Event Awards.

The conference Event Show 2007, which took place in August 2008, was awarded with the main prize. The participants were directors and PR leaders of the largest Russian and international companies: Evroset, Vympelcom, Uralsib, SUAL Holding, MDM bank, TNK-BP and the top management of PR Agencies Mikhailov and Partners, Propaganda, Newton and Gilidia Masterov.

"Event Show is one of Vedomosti's annual conferences, which will be held for the fourth time this year," said Djamilia Iskandyarova, the leader of the newspaper's conference department.

"We discuss successful examples of Russian and international business events and follow up on the latest trends in this sphere. We use the most efficient tools to find the best business solutions and create corporate culture. We are really proud to be nominated and awarded by the professionals of the market."

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