SmartMoney Has Turned Two

Analytical weekly SmartMoney celebrated its 2nd anniversary on March 13. Its birthday was celebrated with a breakfast at the Marriott Hotel Aurora attended by corporate PR directors, banks and mass media companies. It was an "anti-conference" where the journalists of SM answered the questions of the guests.

They told the guests how they make the journal, how companies can get mentioned in Smart Money, and what the target audience is like.

"Two years ago the first issue of SM saw light. We wanted to create a good magazine with some new standards. And we really set high standards for ourselves", said editor in chief Alexander Malyutin.

Ekaterina Son, the editor of SM, added that the target audience consists of male managers who work in corporations and are paid 3000-8000 USD a month.

"Our reader is an active and curious man. He tries to realize his potential in three directions: corporate activity plus career growth, the desire to establish his own business and the ability to invest his capital in the best way possible", added Son.

The guests found the birthday party cozy and useful, and everyone was left with positive impressions from the day.

Beginning this year, SmartMoney is planning to make such business breakfast a regular event. Each Smart-breakfast will be dedicated to a specific business topic. The guests will be professionals from Russian and international companies competent enough to discuss this or that issue and provide adequate answers. The first Smart-breakfast is planned in May and will be about investments.

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