Independent Media Takes Part in National Advertising Forum
The Independent Media publishing house will take part in the second National Advertising Forum to be held in Moscow on October 31-November 1.
As in the year before, the forum will welcome representatives of leading media companies, media leaders and chief executives to discuss current issues in the industry and to search for new drivers and stimuli for industry growth. World-renowned experts with reputations for setting new trends and standards for modern marketing and advertising communications will serve as speakers at the event.
Esquire magazine editor-in-chief Sergei Minaev and Harper’s Bazaar magazine editor-in-chief Daria Veledeeva will represent Independent Media (IM) at the forum. Additionally, Independent Media has invited Hearst Digital Media executor director and editorial strategist Brooke Siegel to speak at the event. The Hearst company is an IM shareholder.
The forum seeks to examine the overall condition of the media industry in Russia and to identify a development roadmap for all clusters of the industry. The forum should serve as a starting point for formulating an industry-wide development plan through 2024.
The forum will include eight discussion panels addressing the main segments of the advertising market: Media Agencies and Brands, TV, Digital, Press, OOH, Marketing Services, Radio, and HR. The forum is expected to be attended by 3,000 guests.