Sanoma Independent Media Continues Support for Morozovka Magazine

For several years, publishing house Sanoma Independent Media has provided support for Morozovka magazine by funding its printing costs. Morozovka, a publication for children and by children, is produced by volunteers from Podari Zhizn (Give Life), a charitable foundation that assists juvenile cancer patients at Morozov Children’s Hospital.
The young patients – wards of the Give Life foundation – eagerly await the arrival of each new issue of Morozovka, which features their drawings, stories and poems. For children confined to their rooms, the magazine is just about the only source of information about what is happening in the hospital.
In the magazine, patients might learn about the arrival of a performing clown, famous celebrities such as television personalities and athletes, the latest performance by a volunteer troupe of puppeteers, preparations for an upcoming exhibition or the chance to take part in a photo marathon.
One of the main subjects in the winter issue is the preparation for the annual exhibition organized by the Give Life foundation. Opening on March 20 at the Moscow Museum, the exhibition “Draw Me a Sheep” brings together numerous colorful drawings, fascinating collages and imaginative art objects created by the young cancer patients at the hospital.
In keeping with tradition, the winter issue is devoted to the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, with stories are brought to life with pictures of the children in colorful costumes posing with Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and other characters from fairy tales – a particular treat for the children, who like seeing pictures of themselves in the magazine.
This issue features young Georgy Alyabin – an incredibly talented boy who enjoys quilling, origami and robotics. The Vernissage section introduces two young artists – Ela Gasanova and Nastya Ogloblina. Also, Pasha Buyanov talks to the magazine about his footballing career as both goalkeeper and striker. A contest, with a chance for participants to win valuable prizes and gifts, is also announced.
The magazine and its past issues can be found on the Facebook page of Morozov Children’s Hospital.